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We produce statistics for production, consumption, imports and exports and more.

When are statistics updated?

We produce statistics based on the measured hourly values for consumption and production. Swedish network owners report the statistics for balance settlement. Since there are delays and quality deficiencies in the measured data, statistics are published after a certain time delay so that the quality is as high as possible. We only produce statistics once we have done our correction settlement. The delay can be up to about two months.

What statistics are there?

By filtering the list of documents on the Swedish website, you can choose to view the statistics for:

  • Sweden (the country's production, consumption, imports and exports, as well as consumption and supply per hour)
  • import/export (entry and exit, transmission and loop force)
  • a bidding area (production, consumption and import/export per bidding area)
  • balance responsibility (imbalance index, and the monitoring of consumption balancing power and regulating power)

Our extranet Mimer provides structural and settlement data to the electricity market participants. There you can download statistics on primary regulation (link to Mimer's website, new window).

The information on Mimer is only in Swedish.

How are the statistics produced?

Read about how our statistics are calculated.