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Pilot project: support for increased hedging opportunities in the Swedish electricity market

Svenska kraftnät is currently working to identify and develop measures to increase the possibilities for price hedging in the long-term market in the Swedish and neighbouring bidding zones. The pilot project is carried out as part of Svenska kraftnät's work related to the responsibility for TSO’s to participate in the long-term electricity market, which is regulated by the Commission Regulation Forward Capacity Allocation (FCA).

About the pilot project

The project aims to increase liquidity in the Swedish market for hedging and act as an example of an alternative to the measures currently described in the FCA regulation.

The pilot project provides a basis for assessing the effectiveness of Svenska kraftnät's proposal for measures and provides practical experience that can be of use for future methodology proposals under the FCA regulation.

The measure tested in the pilot project is auctioning of financial contracts, so-called EPADs (Electricity Price Area Differentials). In the pilot, Svenska kraftnät will offer in auctions to both buy and sell EPADs in the bidding zones SE2, SE3 and SE4. For the implementation of the auctions, Svenska kraftnät has procured Svensk kraftmäkling AB (SKM).

Link to the Swedish page for the pilot project: Pilotprojekt: stöd för prissäkring på den svenska elmarknaden

More information about Svenska kraftnät's EPAD auctions

The following link contains further information on the auctions, such as trading rules, allocation principles and the auctioning schedule. The material may be updated.

More information about Svenska kraftnät's EPAD auctions

Background: Effective hedging on the long term market is a prerequisite for a functional electricity market

The long-term market shall ensure that there are sufficient opportunities for market participants to hedge the price risks that the trading in physical electricity entails. As system operator for electricity transmission systems, Svenska kraftnät is obliged to promote liquidity and function in the hedging market and ensure that the opportunities for hedging are sufficient. The pilot project is part of Svenska kraftnät's work related to the Commission Guideline FCA, and parallel work is ongoing with methodology development.

Requirements for system operators to support the long-term market

The national regulatory authorities in EU carry out evaluations of the hedging market every four years and, in cases where inadequate price hedging opportunities are identified, may decide that further measures must be implemented.

In these cases, the NRA of the member state where insufficient hedging opportunities have been identified, will make a joint decision together with its’ counterpart in a neighbouring Member State on measures at the bidding zone border in question. FCA art. 30 describes the options for measures decided by the NRAs where the system operators are requested to either (a) introduce long-term transmission rights, or (b) ensure that other long-term risk hedging products are made available to support the functioning of the wholesale electricity market.

Until now, Svenska kraftnät has not been active in the price hedging markets based on decisions made by Energimarknadsinspektionen (Ei) and the regulatory authorities in our neighbouring countries in connection with the evaluation of hedging opportunities in Sweden in 2017.

Based on the most recent evaluation carried out in 2020-2021, it was found that there are insufficient opportunities for risk hedging in the Finnish bidding zone, FI. The relevant NRAs, Ei and their Finnish counterpart Energiavirasto (EV), could not make a coordinated decision on what measures the system operators should take and referred the matter to ACER in the spring of 2022.

In September 2022, ACER decided that the concerned system operators on the Sweden-Finland borders; Fingrid, Kraftnät Åland, and Svenska kraftnät, shall develop the necessary arrangements according to FCA art 30.5(b), which means that hedging instruments other than LTTR must be introduced and made available. In November 2022, Fingrid appealed ACER's decision to ACER's Board of Appeal. In October 2023, the ACER Board of Appeal dismissed the appeal and confirmed the ACER decision (Decision 12/2022).

Link to ACER's decision for the Swedish-Finnish borders: Decision ( (.pdf) Opens in a new window

Link to ACER Board of Appeal Decision: BoA Decisions

In August 2023, the Swedish and Lithuanian NRAs published their decision on FCA art. 30.5(b) for the SE4-LT border. The TSOs are working jointly to develop a proposal for arrangements according to the decision. The deadline to submit the proposal to the NRAs is February 17th, 2024.

Previous events and documentation about the pilot

Link to webinar April 29, 2022: Webbinarium om åtgärder för att stödja prissäkringsmarknaden (Swedish)

Link to webinar January 20, 2023: Dokumentation från webbinariumet om uppstart av pilotprojekt med auktionering av EPAD:s den 20 januari 2023 (Swedish)


For questions to Svenska kraftnät regarding the pilot project or the long term market, please email: