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Becoming a BRP

In order to become a Balance Responsible Party (BRP), an application must be made. A BRP agreement must be signed with Svenska kraftnät. Additionally, an Imbalance settlement agreement must be signed with eSett Oy who is managing the imbalance settlement in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark on behalf of Svenska kraftnät, Statnett, Fingrid and Energinet. eSett Oy is also responsible for the administration of the BRP agreement.

What does it takes to become a BRP?

In order to be approved as a BRP, it is required that the company provides proof of financial stability. In addition, financial security in the form of collateral must be stated in relation to the risk level and scope of the BRP. Read more at eSett:s website.

It is further required that the company conducts tests to communicate via Ediel and is thus an approved Ediel actor. Read more about using Ediel (in Swedish).

How does the application work

You apply to be a BRP by contacting eSett Oy by email:

Please enter this information in the application:

  • Name
  • Company registration number
  • Responsible contact person during the application process
  • Telephone number and email address to the contact person
  • Estimated production that the applicant will be balance responsible for (annual)
  • Estimated consumption that the applicant will be balance responsible for (annual)

Attach with the application a registration certificate from the Swedish Companies Registration Office. This can also be submitted at a later stage in the application process.

How long does it take?

It takes time to establish and test the communication with Ediel as well as to assess risk exposure. It also takes time to start the supply of electricity because a change of supplier must be reported to the network owner no later than one month before. We thus expect a lead time of about three months.