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BRP agreement

The BRP agreement applies until further notice between a Balance Responsible Party (BRP) and Svenska kraftnät.

About the agreement

The agreement includes, among other things, requirements that the BRP shall plan and provide hourly balance, report important information to Svenska kraftnät as well as pay for services from Svenska kraftnät. The agreement is updated roughly once a year.

Svenska kraftnät shall on its part continuously analyze the power situation in the country, report information to the BRP and settle accounts. The agreement also describes trade and pricing.

Parts of the settlement, billing and information exchange are managed by eSett Oy for Svenska kraftnät according to the BRP agreement. The conditions for this are included in eSett Oy's Imbalance Settlement Agreement which is found at:

The BRP agreement is only available in Swedish

Please note that a number of documents (reglerdokument) complement the BRP agreement. 

Fees for the BRP

Fees for a BRP in Sweden are determined by Svenska kraftnät but are charged and credited according to terms and conditions in eSett Oy’s Imbalance Settlement Agreement. Current fees are set out in Appendix 1 of the Agreement.

eSett Oy’s Imbalance Settlement Agreement at eSett's website