International cooperation
Svenska kraftnät is commissioned with promoting an open Swedish, Nordic and European electricity market. In an increasingly global environment, international collaboration is vital if Svenska kraftnät is to deliver on its commission. The authority cooperates with other transmission system operators (TSOs) to establish a European energy union and work toward the goal of a climate-neutral EU.
For years Svenska kraftnät has participated in many levels of international collaboration. In Europe, Svenska kraftnät participates in ENTSO-E (the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity). On a regional level, the authority collaborates with other Nordic TSOs and their Baltic equivalents.
By collaborating internationally, Svenska kraftnät contributes to a sustainable, reliable and competitive power supply. In addition, European TSOs have been identified as being enablers of many of the initiatives mentioned in the European Green Deal, for instance, implementing renewable energy where electricity grid expansion is necessary.
ENTSO-E (the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) represents about 40 TSOs from over 30 countries in Europe. ENTSO-E was founded and given legal mandate in the EU's third energy package for the internal energy market in 2009. Svenska kraftnät has been a member of ENTSO-E since its founding and is active in many of the network’s 200 working and expert groups.
The ENTSO-E undertaking
ENTSO-E and its members contribute to the European energy agenda by committing to secure, reliable operations of an increasingly complex transmission grid, contributing to grid development between countries, integrating renewable energy and participating in establishing the internal energy market. The undertaking of this collaborative organisation has developed through infrastructure regulations and increased demands for transparency.
Members of ENTSO-E work extensively with drafting plans as well as drafting and implementing new regulations and directives. These are then implemented in regional collaboration with Nordic and Baltic actors. The same pertains to other regions in Europe.
TYNDP – Ten-Year Network Development Plan
An example of statutory plans drawn up by ENTSO-E is the TYNDP – Ten-Year Network Development Plan, which lays the foundation for projects of common interest (PCI). ENTSO-E also conducts adequacy studies of the power system.
The Ten-Year Network Development Plan on ENTSO-E's website.
Joint European legislation
In terms of directives and regulations, Svenska kraftnät contributes to ENTSO-E's drafting of network codes (joint European legislation) and takes positions on other policy issues. ENTSO-E is also implementing joint European balancing platforms and network models, which constitute an important foundation for the energy market and for improved reliability.
Unbundling and liberalisation of the energy market have changed the role of ENTSO-E and TSOs to become more of a meeting place for energy market actors to interact.
Svenska kraftnät collaborates with its counterparts in Denmark (Energinet), Finland (Fingrid) and Norway (Statnett).
Several projects, such as creating a Nordic balancing model and developing the Copenhagen-based Regional Collaboration Centre, are ongoing within the collaboration framework. The collaboration also entails cooperating with stakeholders.
RCC (Regional Coordination Center)
The Nordic Regional Coordination Center (RCC) is owned by the four transmission system operators (TSOs) in the Nordic region. The RCC helps the national TSOs to maintain the operational security of the power systems in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The Nordic office is located in Copenhagen (Nordic RCC).
By cooperating on common services, such as calculations for remedial actions not limited to national borders, increased cost efficiency is achieved
Svenska kraftnät collaborates with Baltic Sea region TSOs in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Within the collaboration framework, a number of projects are being conducted, such as regional grid development planning and capacity calculation method development.
One example is the Baltic Offshore Grid Initiative – a collaborative effort to develop common planning principles for an offshore transmission grid, enable the consideration of the Baltic Sea offshore grid in the ENTSO-E Ten-Year Network Development Plan and perform studies that support the common vision for the offshore grid in the Baltic Sea region. The initiative is expected to contribute to CO2 reduction and the development of an environmentally friendly energy system for the future.
Svenska kraftnät also participates in CIGRE - International Council on Large Electric Systems. CIGRE promotes international cooperation and R&D knowledge sharing in the areas of generation and transmission of electric energy and in issues related to energy systems. The organisation engages the entire industry, from generation and grid companies to suppliers and universities.
Visit CIGRE - International Council on Large Electric Systems
Svenska kraftnät is also part of WEC, the World Energy Council, an international organisation with over 90 member countries and a Swedish national council.