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When we plan a new electricity connection we need to obtain a permit (concession) from the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate before we can start construction. We may also need other permits from Lantmäteriet, the county administrative board, the municipality and other authorities.

Who decides if the power line can be constructed?

The permission to construct an electricity connectionis issued by the Energy Markets Inspectorate and Lantmäteriet. The Energy Markets Inspectorate issues a permit (concession) to carry out electrical grid operations along the planned route. The right to build power lines over the land is regulated byLantmäteriet. Cross-border power lines are proved by the government, after the Energy Markets Inspectorate has made an assessment.

Description of environmental consequences

How comprehensive the description of environmental consequences depends on the nature of the application. When we plan a new power line, or other operation with larger environmental impact, it may require a description of environmental consequences.

The description of environmental consequences describes how the planned operation may affect the natural, cultural and residential environment of those who live in the area. Here, we also make proposals as to how we will reduce the impact on the surroundings as much as possible.

What happens once we have received a permit?

When we have received concession and other permissions we need, we inform affected property owners again and contact them to sign land grant agreements. A land grant agreement gives us the property owner's permission to construct, retain and maintain the power line on their land.

Read more about land lease and compensation.

Read more about the consultation process.