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The construction process

It takes between five and ten years from the planning stage until a new line is completed. This includes the consultation process, concession, construction work and the commissioning.

Dialogue is important when we plan a new power line

At the beginning of the process when we plan for a new power line we carry out consultations with all who may be affected by the line. The fact that we have an early dialogue with landowners, municipalities, county councils and others is important for us to find the line's best possible route.

We apply for concessions for new lines from the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate

When we have had consultations with all concerned and investigated various alternatives to the route for a new connection we establish a route for which we are applying for permission (concession) from the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate. Often, we also need several other pieces of permission for the work we do from the provincial government, the municipality and other authorities.

Line construction takes two to three years

The actual construction time varies depending on the line length, if it goes through sensitive areas and how many property owners are affected, but often it takes about two to three years to build a new line.

Agreements with landowners

Before we start to build a new power line we sign agreements with landowners for land lease. Land lease agreements regulate, among other things, precisely where the line is to go and what compensation the landowner receives. Once we have signed land lease agreements we apply for easement from Lantmäteriet (link to Lantmäteriet web page). This right implies that the land is made available for the line in perpetuity.