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The time for this event has passed

Webinar on aFRR capacity market forecasting methodology

The Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSO:s) have launched a public consultation on the second amendment proposal for the forecasting of the market value of cross-zonal transmission capacity for the future Nordic aFRR capacity market. On May 9th, the TSO:s will have a joint webinar on forecasting methods for the aFRR capacity market. The webinar is part of an ongoing consultation on surcharges when forecasting the market value of the transmission capacity.

Practical information

As part of the consultation, the Nordic TSO:s invite you to this webinar, which will be held on 9 May at 11-12 CET. 

Stakeholders can give their views on the proposed amendment to aFRR capacity market forecasting methodology through the ENTSO-E consultation tool. The consultation is open until May 20, 2022. 

Information about the meeting is available on the joint website for the new Nordic Balancing Model (NBM).

Read more about Nordic Balancing Model (NBM) at the joint website.

Read about the event in Swedish

About the ongoing consultation

Forecasting the market value of leased lines is used to determine whether it is socio-economically profitable to reserve leased lines for the transmission of aFRR. The forecast of the market value is thus part of the process that forms the basis for the forthcoming Nordic market for aFRR capacity.

The consultation is held in English. Stakeholders within the electricity market have the opportunity to return with comments no later than May 20, 2022.

More information about the consultation can be found on the event page under Meet Svenska kraftnät