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The time for this event has passed

Consultation on surcharges when forecasting the market value of transmission capacity

The Nordic transmission system operators (TSO:s) invite stakeholders within the electricity market to a consultation on the mark-up for forecasting the market value of transmission capacity. This is part of the market design for the upcoming Nordic aFRR capacity market.

Practical information

  • Time: 14 April - 20 May 2022
  • Language: English

Forecasting the market value of leased lines is used to determine whether it is socio-economically profitable to reserve leased lines for the transmission of aFRR. The forecast of the market value is thus part of the process that forms the basis for the forthcoming Nordic market for aFRR capacity.

Please respond to the consultation no later than May 20th

Market stakeholders have the opportunity to submit comments on the surcharge via online forms on the ENTSO-E's website. Please respond by May 20th, 2022.

Respond to the consultation and read the documentation on the consultation page on ENTSO-E's website.

The consultation is part of a continuous review

The mark-up for forecasting the market value of leased lines shall be reviewed regularly. This has been decided by the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). The review is part of the market-based allocation process for transmission capacity when exchanging balance capacity. The method has been developed in accordance with the EU Regulation Guidelines for the balance of electricity (Article 41 (1)).

The review and consultation carried out a year ago did not result in any changes to the mark-up. This consultation is a continuation of that review. The purpose is to suggest minor adjustments to the method.

Please find more information at ENTSO-E.


For any queries regarding Svenska kraftnät, please reach out to Rebecca Roupe, e-mail:

Queries regarding the consultation are answered by: Sisse Friis Hansen, Energinet Elsystemansvar A/S. Phone +4523460519, e-mail: